Friday, May 15, 2020

Mandela led,South Africa won the FIFA

It was the same day...the day of May 15 but the year was different.. marked 2004
All were present..they all represented their respective countries..amongst them the chief attraction was Mandela theformer President of South Africa and beloved icon of Bafana..the blacks..yes..they are blacks by appearance but as clean as white by heart...the time was knocking..there was hurly.burly..whispering..shouting ..nothing could be heard .Voting was over..all were anxiously waiting for the results..Joseph's Blatters,the FIFA Presidebt  waived the was 12.21 . a complete silence for a moment....FIFA president declared with a master stroke.."it is the Africa and South Africa ...South Africa will host world guests on 6 May 2010
Nothing was audible thereafter..the Grt.ocogenarian was crying like a baby..tears were rolling through a chocked  broken voice said:
"We accept with humility.and without arrogance..because we are,after all equal"
The Grandeur moment witnessed Sosolaza dance.....the way of celebrating Football history..

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