Monday, March 13, 2017





The same congregation... comes to Kalyani Ghoshpara, from different places on the eve of Holi.  Devotees are being busy in holy dip in the Himsagar pond.  They have strong belief in its holy water. They have further conviction that all misery will wind up from mind & body once they take holy bath in the pond. It’s the magic power of Satima.  More stories you will hear if you witness Satimayer mela on the day of Holi.

The entire area of Satimayer mela becomes colorful on the day. People irrespective of religion, faith, caste assemble on this day. More than lakhs visit the shrine of Satima and urge for her blessings. The mela is  as old as of-three centuries.  Originally it was the holy-day fixed by Ram Saran Pal-the chief disciple of Aul Fakir for meeting. All the followers of Aul-sect were asked to meet, and experience and renew Satya Dharma.
Aul Chand (1694-1770)  was a powerful mystic fakir. He hailed from  UlaBirnagar.  He traveled widely in East Bengal.  In search of God, he came in contact with different religion-sects. His philosophy was seeded with the finer tunes of Sufiism, Vaisabvism, Islamism although he kept his own separation.  He was against Gurubad.  His followers are called KartaBhaja. Karta means Lord.  Aul’s followers are barred not to worship Guru. They are asked to worship only the Lord(Karta).  His philosophy drew a large number of low-order people. As Aul’s new outlook outcast orthodox Hindu society. His cult sooner loved by untouchable sects.  Aul Chand had twenty two disciples they are known as Bayes Fakir. Among those the chief was Ram Swarup Pal- the then landlord of Ghoshpara.   Ram swarup’swife was Satima. Devotees regard her as a Divine personality. She had the majestic power. There were adages that deaf-and dumb, blinds and others suffering from incurable diseases got new life by the grace of her majesticpower.

DulalChand son of Ram saran Paltook the charge of Karta bhaja sect folloed by iswar Chand. Aul, Ram, Dulal and Iswar are the four Gurus of Karta Bhaja. Dual chand codified the philosopthy ofAul’s in simple poems.  These are calledBhaber Gita.

Somprakash (1864) pointed that more than 65000 devotees assembled in Ghoshpara.

The same tradition is going on.

Today Satimayer mela is more than a religion-oriented mela.  Time has added new ingredients to the event.

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