Finally, 130 target pulse-followers from different parts of the state were called on 12th October at the Research Directorate of BCKV with the following objectives:
- Planning and and drawing strategic measures for launching massive action plan in the state, particularly in Bankura and Purulia for the ensuing rabi-season
- Renewing past experience and noting down the grey areas of intervention
- Imparting lessons on measuring carbon-soil with handy kits
- Displaying value added products from pulses and market arrangements
- Moduling convergence action plan for pulse mission

Prof. D.D. Patra, Vice Chancellor of BCKV inaugurated the workshop and Prof. Arabinda Mitra, Former Director of Research presided over the session.
In the beginning Dr. Sumana Roy, DDR of BCKV welcomed the guests on behalf of BCKV. In her address she highlighted about the performance of the Pulse mission project and wished its success in the state .
Thereafter, Vice Chancellor focused on the yield gap of pulses in our state. The points of gap according to him have been our tradition outlook for pulses, worst lands allocated for pulses, unscientific mode of cultivation, disproportionate as well as discriminate use of fertilizers,.
In his majestic speech he pointed out the possibilities of growing pulses in rice fallow lands or as mixed cropping practices. Dr.Patra also stressed on the value-addition aspects of pulses.
Next, Sudhibrata Mitra, Director of Farms cited a good number of commonly falter practices of pulses and showed the minimal intervention which could augment production. Dr.Mitra requested the members for quality seed production and reminded to grow pulses according to local situation, and variety in use. According to him a balanced fertilizer doses and using bio-fertilizer will save cost of cultivation.
In a sensitive lecture Prof.Rajib Nath discussed at length on the global poverty, malnutrition and poor livelihood. In above context Prof. Nath echoed the role of pulses for safe livelihood of rural households. He also briefed the house on the functioning of the project, its mission and future perspectives. It was known from his deliberation that yield of pulses improved substantially in the cluster levels with minimal intervention. He categorically pointed out to target rice-fallow lands under pulse cultivation. Apart, he stressed on women participation for value addition and marketing.
Prof, Kajal sengupta, Head Department of Agronomy in his long and lively deliberation pointed out the grey areas of current practices by farmers and sought intervention for change. A number of tips for pulse farming were recorded.

In the technical session , Dr.Tapas Biswas discussed on organic based pulse growing. In a gesture, Prof. Somnath Bhattacharyya brought carbon-soil testing kits for the representative farmers . These were sponsored by BARC. Demonstration on using kits was given by Dr.Biswas.
It was followed by Dr.Kalyan Jana's discussion on pyra-system of farming with pulses. Benefits of the system were dealt in details. Dr. Amitava Bhattacharryya and Dr.Raju Das jointly discussed in an interactive manner with the participants. Their focus was on pest and diseases of pulses. Bio-control and cultural control measures were discussed to the points raised by participants. Prof. Raghunath Sadhukhan interacted with the farming community. Dr.Sadhukhan prescribed a number of suggestions to the queries of house regarding pulse-growing.
Immediate after the interval soil-carbon kits were distributed to the selected representatives.
Dr.Arpita Das, Scientist gave vote of thanks to the participants.
The workshop ended with pleasant sharing and Prof. Rajibnath noted the salient points for future plan of action.
The whole program was nicely coordinated by Dr. Amitava Biswas, BCKV.